Transportation needs are growing strongly around the world. Continuing globalisation, coupled with high growth rates of population density and GDP in some regions, means that the flow of goods and people will continue to increase over time. And the demand for transport infrastructure is unlikely to be fully met in the future — if ever. Massive investments are being made or planned, posing huge challenges for all parties involved.  Governments are aware of the need to build a strong infrastructure foundation, but many are facing enormous challenges in devoting sufficient capital resources to such projects. And while the availability of capital for investment in transport infrastructure varies from country to country, companies alike are facing significant hurdles in most places.

Rather than a one-size-fits-all approach, governments will need to identify a range of strategies and work together with private investors to create a win-win situation on individual projects. Getting transport infrastructure right is critical. The presence or absence of transport networks which facilitate efficient supply chains is already a factor in investment decisions around the world; the ability to offer a solid infrastructure is likely to become an even more important criterion in determining a country’s or region’s competitiveness in the future. Transport infrastructure remains a deciding factor for the economic prospects of a country. South Africa has the largest economy in Africa and is the most developed in Sub-Saharan Africa with the most advanced transport infrastructure.

Veritas and its partners provide world-class advisory services to its clients for transportation infrastructure. We specialize in Intelligent Transportation Systems such as:

  • Advanced Passenger Travel Management Systems and
  • Ticketing systems for rail and road transport.